Do Certain Foods or Eating Habits Make You Dream?

There are many myths, and some truths, when it comes to foods or times of day that you eat either keeping you awake or causing you to have good/bad dreams. You may be convinced that there are actually specific foods that make you dream or have nightmares. In fact, ask anyone about food and dreaming and they will all have a theory to share. Let’s take a look at what foods and eating habits may cause your brain to work overtime at night and why that might be the case.

Dreaming to Lose Weight!

The most profound dreams occur during the REM stage of sleep as this is when the brain is most active. The brain activity at this stage of sleep is even rumoured to burn as much, or more energy, as when we are awake. Dreaming to lose weight… now there’s a thought!

Using lots of energy means that we go to bed on an empty stomach which could cause our sleep to be affected and lead us to have vivid nightmares as a result of low blood sugars. Now while we aren’t saying that those late-night snacks are a great idea which will help you to lose weight and sleep well, it is certainly food for thought! 

When We Eat and What We Eat

When we eat, and what we eat, no doubt has an impact on how we sleep and what dreams we have. Eating a large steak dinner before bed means that our bodies are having to work hard to digest food while we should be resting, not to mention the fact that as soon as you lie down on a full stomach you are likely to feel more than a little bit sick. This could pose the threat of nightmares and no-one wants to be dreaming about being chased by a wild elephant (just an example)! While how much we eat, and when, could undoubtedly have an impact, is there any link to specific foods and what we dream?

Foods That May Cause Vivid Dreams

Cheese & Dairy

Apparently, there have been studies into cheese and how it affects our dreams. Some say it causes vivid dreams while others will say that they can’t eat cheese before bed as it gives them nightmares. In some specific studies, it was actually discovered that Stilton gave you the craziest dreams. According to these studies the dreams are vividly recalled but pleasant. Cheddar cheese on the other hand, not so much.


Tea and coffee and other caffeinated drinks are best avoided too close to bed time. Not only can caffeine stop you from getting to sleep, it also means you won’t achieve such a deep sleep which can lead to some wild dreams.


This particular fruit contains melatonin which helps to regulate your body clock. A good amount of melatonin helps you sleep deeper. If you are sensitive to this hormone it will also help you dream more vividly and even have nightmares. As a result, if you don’t want to have crazy dreams and nasty nightmares, it is a good idea to steer clear of cherries too close to bed time.

Spicy Foods

While there isn’t any hard evidence to suggest that spicy foods cause dreams of the good or bad variety, scientists do believe that eating spicy foods can increase your temperature making your sleep less sound and enhancing dream recall. Spicy foods are actually recommended as something to eat before you go to bed on a very hot night as the body will try to reduce in temperature to combat the effects of the spicy foods on your body.


Some people will claim that ingesting garlic affects sleep as well as causing weird dreams or vivid nightmares. It is another food that can interrupt your sleep and certainly cause you to wake in the night for a drink to counteract the thirst.

Supplements That Can Cause Dreams

Vitamin B6 and Tryptophan are linked to the intensity of your dreams and your ability to recall them. Studies have shown that those who took a vitamin B6 supplement had more vivid dreams. Vitamin B6 converts amino acid Tryptophan into serotonin and niacin. Tryptophan is not available as a supplement but there are foods that you can eat to increase your levels and your serotonin conversion.

  • Chicken
  • Soybeans
  • Turkey
  • Tuna
  • Venison
  • Lamb
  • Salmon
  • Halibut
  • Shrimp
  • Cod

4oz of chicken contains 0.41g of tryptophan whereas, at the lower end, cod contains 029g in the same quantity. For vegetarians, tryptophan rich foods include kidney beans, pumpkin seeds, tofu, cheese and soy sauce. 

The Best Chance of a Good Night’s Sleep 

In addition to observing the foods that we eat and the impact on our dreams, there are other ways to promote a good night’s sleep and more pleasant dreams. Relaxing before bed, avoiding stimulants such as the TV and mobile phones, wearing the right clothes to bed and having the right bed/mattress can all promote a more relaxed and restful night.



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